Nigeria’s Cardinal Arinze Reacts to Pope’s Resignation

For us it was a surprise, like thunder that gives no notice of it’s coming…

We love you Holy Father, we know you’ve done this because of your love for the Church…

If anyone is confused, it’s on the side of that person not on the side of the Pope…

God is always there, the Holy Spirit does not go on holidays…

So there will be another Pope, he will be elected in two weeks or so. There is no danger that Pope Benedict will become a problem for that Pope. Certainly not! Perhaps if he were a politician who was removed by maneuvers, his successor might be afraid. In this case, not so.

Some people may be so shaken that it might shake their perception. but my hope is that it will make many more mature in our faith. Our faith is not on the Pope. It’s on Christ who is the foundation of the Church. Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. We all are servants, we come and go. Christ does not come and go. He stays on forever…

The Pope is a servant. Indeed one of his titles is the Servant of the Servants of God…

So Pope Benedict may be teaching us many more important things than we realise…” 

– Francis Cardinal Arinze (Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of Divine Worship)

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